Other Co-operative Societies. . . . .

Other Co-operative Societies. . . . .

Other Co-operative Societies - Galle District


  • Stoklands wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Citrus wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Homadola wathu sewaka niwwathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Bentota wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Walpita wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Thalgaswala wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Moragalla wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Baddegama wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Nakiyadeniya wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Lelwala wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Pitiyagoda wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Nakiyadeniya ruber wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Elpitiya wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Thalangaha wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Gulugahakanda wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd/li>
  • Ketandola wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Divithura wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Nakiyadeniya wathuyaye samupaka welandasel society ltd
  • Habaraduwa pradesheeya lekam swayanrekiyawala niyuthu kantha cooperative society ltd
  • Galle district udyana wagakaruwange cooperative society ltd
  • Galle kadawathsathara swayanrekiyawala niyuthu kantha cooperative society ltd
  • Imbulegoda Janodana cooperative society ltd
  • Hennathota Janodana sanwardana cooperative society ltd
  • Galle viyavasaya cooperative society ltd
  • Thalgampala janaudana sanwardana cooperative society ltd
  • Kobeithuduwa deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Dodanduwa gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Rathgama maluweladunge deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Ampe kadiragonna deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Koggala magalthota deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Kotupawra asala rathgama wella deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Koggala sinha deewara gama deewaracooperative society ltd
  • Magalle deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Boossa deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Harumalgoda madyama deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Urawatta deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Pereliya deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Koggala deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Sangamiththa balika vidyaleeya pasal cooperative society ltd
  • Southland vidyaleeya pasal cooperative society ltd
  • Anuladevi balika vidyaleeya pasal cooperative society ltd
  • Galle district sanasa association ltd
  • Galle district samupaka mandalaya ltd
  • Galle district deewara association ltd
  • Galle district rural bank association
  • Galle district arogyashala cooperative society ltd
  • Galle district uthsawasewa cooperative society ltd
  • Galle district tharunasewa cooperative society ltd
  • Galle district pragdana cooperative society ltd
  • Galu gangabada paththuwa south kuda the wathu himiyange cooperative society ltd
  • Baddegama west pradesheeya sanwardana cooperative society ltd
  • Other Co-operative Societies - Matara District


    other co-operative society

  • Matara district sanasa society association ltd
  • Matara district samupaka mandalaya
  • Matara district rural bank association
  • Matara district the nipadavannange cooperative society association ltd
  • Matara district samupakara arogyashala society ltd
  • Matara district sanwardana cooperative society ltd
  • Matara peshakarmikayange cooperative society ltd
  • Hkmana peshakarmikayange cooperative society ltd
  • Morawakkorale the nipadawannange cooperative society ltd
  • Matara district jathika tharuna sewa cooperative society ltd
  • school co-operative society

  • Matara sujatha balika pasal samithiya ltd
  • State worker co-operative society

  • Kiruwanaganga wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Diddenipotha wathuyaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Akuressa wathu yaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Thennahena wathuyaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Andapana wathuyaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Indola wathu yaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Handfurd wathu yaye wath sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Deniyaya wathu yaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Bewaraliya wathu yaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Lankaberiya wathu yaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Heyas wathu yaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Ensalwatta wathu yaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Aninkanda wathu yaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Hulandawa wathu yaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • Wilpita wathu yaye wathu sewaka niwasa cooperative society ltd
  • other society

  • Matara district pragdana cooperative society ltd
  • Devinuwara pradesheeya lekam kottashaye grameeya karmantha karuwange cooperative society ltd
  • Matara district diyawara saviya sulu parimana viyawasayakainge cooperative society ltd
  • Morawakkorale kiri nipadawannange cooperative society ltd
  • Matara vivida vurthikainge cooperative society ltd
  • Hakmana pradesheeya lekam kottashaye koongala udupeellagoda samagigrameeya karmantha sanwardana cooperative society ltd
  • Matara district krushikarma ha krushi nishpadana cooperative society ltd
  • Welipitiya pradesheeya lekam kottashaye kammalgoda "sihin padanama" parisarika krushikarmika ha elawalu goveenge cooperative society ltd
  • Dandeniya janodana sanwardanak cooperative society ltd
  • Matara pradesheeya lekam kottashaye pariganaka alevi karannange saha sewa sapayange cooperative society ltd
  • Gandarawatta janodana sanwardana cooperative society ltd
  • Anikkanda cooperative society ltd
  • Deewara samupakara samithi

  • Matara district ekdina bahu dina deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Mirissa South palamuwana g.n.k. palamuwana deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Kamburugamuwa south g.n.k. epitamulla deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Dodampahala madyama g.n.k. deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Dodampahala south g.n.k. deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Lunukalapuwa g.n.k. deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Gandara west noonawella deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Devinuwara nugegoda g.n.k. deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Matara thotamuna nupe deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Kotuwegoda deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Marata district deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Other Co-operative Societies - Hambatota District


  • Zone Of The Thissamaharamaya
  • Weeravila gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Yodakandiya gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Zone Of The Hambantota
  • Godawaya gramaniladari kottashaye miridiya deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Dehigahalanda gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Sisilasagama gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Udamalala sagara sampath gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Mirijjawila gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Pallemalala gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Siribopura deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Zone Of The Beliaththa
  • Seenimodara south deewara deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Kudawella east gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Kudawella north gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Kudawella madyama gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Kudawella west gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Kudawella south gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Thenegama gramaniladari kottashaye suhada deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Moraketiara west gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Zone Of The Hungama
  • Dahaamuna siyambalagasyaya wickrama gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Eraminiyayagramaniladari kottashaye isuru miridiya deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Yakagala gramaniladari kottashaye miridiya deewara cooperative society ltd/li>
  • Bataatha south gramaniladari kottashaye miridiya deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Aththanayala west gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Rekawa east gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Zone Of The Tangalle
  • Unakooruwa east gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Unakooruwa west gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Rekawa west gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Wadigala gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Nidahasgama east gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Netolpitiya north gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Wagegoda gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Kattakaduwa north south gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Pattiyapola east gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Nidahasgama west gramaniladari kottashaye oskapura deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Kadurupokuna south west gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Palathuduwa gramaniladari kottashaye miridiya deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Medilla gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Kahandamodara gramaniladari kottashaye deewara cooperative society ltd
  • Zone Of The Hambantota (School Society)
  • Tangalle balika viduhal cooperative society ltd
  • Tangalle beliatta pradesheeya lekam kottashaye perapasal cooperative society ltd
  • Zone Of The Weeraketiya
  • Udukiriwala meti karmantha cooperative society ltd
  • Udaalupothdeniya kithul karmantha cooperative society ltd
  • Badagahadeniya wadu karmantha cooperative society ltd
  • Viyawasayakathva sanwardana cooperative society ltd
  • Zone Of The Beliaththa
  • Puwakdandawa palapotha meti karmantha cooperative society ltd
  • Moraketiara grameeya karmantha cooperative society ltd
  • Kudawella south shramabhimanee kohu nishpadana cooperative society ltd
  • Kosgahagoda kohu lanu samithiya
  • Puwakdandawa swarnakala ran abharana cooperative society ltd
  • Angulmaduwa wadu karmika cooperative society ltd
  • Puwakdandawa mihindupura boo karmantha cooperative society ltd
  • Zone Of The Hungama
  • Hambantota district krushikarmika ha gadol viyaparikainge cooperative society ltd
  • Vishesha sewa cooperative society ltd
  • Zone Of The Thissamaharamaya
  • Gotabayapura metikarmantha cooperative society Ltd
  • Zone Of The Hambantota (Other Society)
  • Hambantota district kuda viyavasayakainge cooperative society ltd
  • Weeravila ku.g.11 thalkola ashritha karmantha cooperative society ltd
  • Hambantota district rural bank society ltd
  • Hambantota district pragdana cooperative society ltd
  • Hambantota district deewara sangamaya
  • Hambantota district sanasa society ltd
  • Hambantota district samupaka mandalaya
  • Hambantota district yanthrika yathra himiyange cooperative society ltd
  • Hambantota district tharuna sewa cooperative society ltd
  • Sewa niyukthikainge ha swayanrekiyalabeenge cooperative society ltd
  • Hambantota district vee mol himiyange cooperative society ltd
  • Hambantota district mal apanayana wagakaruvange cooperative society ltd
